OPEN Tender Procedure (2 Lots)
LOT 1 - Design and Implementation of Awareness Raising Campaigns
Maximum budget: €600.000,00 over 3 years
ENISA organises annually numerous awareness and promotion activities around cybersecurity topics and best practices. The aim is to collaborate with companies of multidisciplinary profiles that can offer numerous services linked to the different stages of an awareness raising campaign on cybersecurity. This LOT will conclude with the award of minimum 3 and maximum 5 framework contracts to successful bidders with actual projects being tendered via ‘Re-opening of Competition’ (RoC) over the next 3 years.
LOT 2 - Digital Communications services
Maximum budget: €500.000,00 over 4 years
ENISA requires support for its digital communications including design of related communication campaigns and plans, digital mapping, production of content and digital assets, campaign implementation and dissemination. ENISA seeks to find one suitably qualified contractor to support the implementation of its digital communication strategy over 4 years.
Interested tenderers may bid for one Lot - or both Lots.
The tender documentation will be available by 7th September 2021 via the TED eTendering platform, which gives exclusive access to the eSubmission portal for submitting your offer - please use this link:
The documentation is also provided below for reference purposes only - by first clicking on the tender title link above.